fun, YET POWERFUL Manifestation Worksheets that has helped beginners manifest more money, their specific person, a new car, and more at a faster rate

But, Why Should I?

21 Subjects to Choose From
Available to Download at Anytime 
No More Wondering If You Are Scripting "Correctly"
Focus on Already Having What You Want by Answering Fun Prompts & Questions
Beginner Friendly
You Can Print Them Out or Fill Them Out with Your Favorite PDF Writing App
Helps Raise Your Vibrations
Helps You Create and Stick to Your New Story & Focus Less on Your Old One
Has Already Helped Many People Worldwide
Helps Boosts Motivation
Helps Create Clarity & Focus
At least 14 Pages in Each Packet


People Who Have Tried Scripting Before, But Need Some Assistance
People Who Love to Manifest & Would Love to Give These a Go 
People Who Are Ready to Stop Playing with Their Own Potential
People Who Want to Manifest More of What They DO Want, & Less of What They Don't Want
People Who Are Already Know Their Powerful, But Needs Help Focusing on the End Result
People Who Have Manifested on Accident Before, But Want to Manifest on Purpose Now

Results. Results. Results. 

the Law of attraction

What subjects are available?

Dream Income Increase
Dream Home
Making New Friends
Practicing Gratitude
Best Week Ever
Self Love
Dream Lifestyle
Dream Appearance
Millionaire Mindset
Dream Vacation
Dream Partner
Manifesting a Text or Call from Someone Specific
I Want This to Happen to Me
Mending a Relationship
Dream Lottery Win
Dream Job
Finding Your Limiting Beliefs
Getting with an Ex Back
Success in Your Business
Dream Date Night
Dream Car

Why Were My Guided Scripting Worksheets Created?

Scripting is a powerful way to attract things into your life. I noticed the amount of people asking me how to script to get good results. I have always mentioned how you need to focus on the end result to help you manifest your desire. I came up with guided scripting worksheets to help people do just that. You will be asked several fun questions about already having your desire, and expected to answer them as if you already have them. By keeping your mind focused on the end, so many people have seen great results after using these manifestation worksheets.

I wanted them to be affordable and accessible to people worldwide. Over the years, I have processed many transactions from people all over the world. Instead of shipping the packets out and dealing with customs, lost packages, and long shipping times, I made them downloadable. Anyone can download them no matter where they are. You may print them out or fill them out with apps like "Notability" on your favorite device. 

Each packet consists of around 14 pages are more. You can download them for $4.99 USD each or in one of our popular bundles below.

law of attraction coach

Amber (The Love Gal)

Guided Scripting Worksheet Subjects

Each scripting packet consists of at least 14 pages. There are 21 different packets to download for $4.99 USD. If you would like to purchase more at a discounted price, please scroll down and view our discounted bundles! 🙂

Dream income increase

Script about what it would be like to have an increase in your finances. What would life look like for you?


Script about your dream lifestyle? How would that look? Where would you be? How would living your dream lifestyle feel to you?


Your dream home could be a mansion, a penthouse, a villa, a flat, or condo. You already have an idea of what that looks like for you. Let's talk about it. 

Practicing gratitude

Gratitude brings more of what you want into your life. Take time to speak life into the things that you love and what you want more of. 


This scripting packet is dedicated to an event that you may want to happen in your life. It is a "general" packet. Maybe you want to go to a concert, meet someone specific, or visit a certain country. Get lost in the idea of something specific happening to you.


What would the best week ever look like to you? What would you do? How will it go? Are there people that you want to see? Is there something specific that you may want to happen? Let's talk about your best week ever. 


It is never too late to make new friends. As we evolve as people, our interests change. You may have outgrown people that were previously in your life and you want to make new friends who are aligned with who you are today. 


Self love is the best love. It is important to know that how you see yourself matters most. The idea of looking for validation lessens when your confidence and love for yourself increases. Every single person on this earth is unique. Find things that you love about yourself. 


You are great the way that you are. You know this. However, we all want to feel like we are improving in some way. In this case, let's talk about the physical changes that you would like to see when you look in the mirror. 


If it's a must to work, then you might as well enjoy what you do. What would be your dream job? How much would it pay you? How would your life change with this job?


You may have dreams of being a multi-millionaire. That's fun! If you were to become a millionaire tomorrow, what would your life look like? How would you handle your new found fortune? 


There may be a place in the world that you want to visit. Where is it? How's the weather? What activities would you do when you arrived? What's the food like? Paint the picture and explain this place as if you're talking to someone who has never heard of this place. 


Winning the lottery would be a dream come true to most. What would your life look like if you won the lottery? What would you do with your new found abundance?


Business owners around the world dream about their business being successful. They also dream about how their life will change for the better. Imagine your business being the talk of the town. Now, how would that effect your life?


There are so many cars available to you. There are sports cars, SUVs, sedans, muscle cars, etc.. There are brand new cars and old school cars. If you can wake up in the morning and go buy your dream car, what would you get?

Finding your limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs may hinder you from manifesting your deepest desires. You may be aware of some limiting beliefs, but some may be underneath the surface. Take some time finding them when you're ready.

manifesting a call or text

Is there someone that you miss? Maybe you're in no contact. The distance between you guys could be bothering you and you want to talk. If they were to contact you right now, what would you say?

reconciliation with an ex

You may not always know what to say and when to say it. Things may have ended on horrible terms but you know this person is important to you. What would you do differently if you were to reconcile with your ex?

mending a relationship

What would the dynamic be like if you mended the relationship that's on your mind? Love is an important aspect in one's life. If you could mend the relationship with that person, what would it look like to you?

dream date night

If you could go on a perfect date, what would that day or night look like? Who would you be with? Where would you go? What city would you be in? What would you eat? How long would the date be? What would you wear? Get lost in the idea of going on this dream date with someone you're interested in.

dream partner

If you could build your partner from the outside to inside, what would they be like? What would they look like? What would be your favorite part of them? What's their personality like? Get lost in the idea of meeting your dream partner. 

How I Script & Get the Results That I Want

Find a Calm & Quiet Place Where I Can Relax
Meditate to Clear My Mind As Much As Possible
Think of Something to Raise My Vibrations and Focus on That Thing Until I Feel a Shift in My Energy
Start Scripting As If The Thing That I Want Is Already in My Life
Visualize What I Wrote Down As I Drift Off to Sleep

Focus on the End with Our Law of Attraction Worksheets

Assists You In Clarifying Your Desires. Scripting forces you to articulate your goals and desires in detail. By writing them down as if they’ve already been achieved, you clarify exactly what you want and why it matters to you. This process helps you form a clearer vision of your goals, which can enhance your focus and alignment with those desires. With our scripting worksheets, you will get locked into the end of your manifestation by answering intriguing questions. 
Helps Enhance Emotional Connection. When you script your desired outcomes as if they are already happening, you immerse yourself emotionally in the experience. This practice helps you generate the feelings of joy, success, and satisfaction associated with achieving your goals. Creating these positive emotions can attract similar energy and opportunities into your life.
Helps You in Reinforcing Your Positive Beliefs. Regular scripting reinforces positive beliefs about yourself and your potential. By consistently writing about your success and achievements, you challenge and replace any limiting beliefs with empowering ones. This mental shift can increase your confidence and improve your overall mindset, making it easier to take actionable steps toward your goals.
Helps Boost Motivation and Focus. Scripting acts as a daily reminder of your goals and the steps needed to achieve them. By revisiting your scripted vision regularly, you maintain motivation and stay focused on your objectives. This consistency can help you stay committed to your manifesting efforts and make progress toward realizing your desires. By incorporating scripting into your manifesting routine, you can enhance clarity, emotional connection, belief, and motivation, all of which are crucial for achieving your goals.

Hey Ms. Amber , I recently bought your packet for a text or call from someone last Sunday... and let me tell you, I am SHOCKED. It worked only two days after finishing it. Let me tell you how beforehand I had muted this person so I wouldn’t be obsessed and to let go and let the universe work it’s magic. i completed the full packet on Wednesday night and I kid you not, Friday night I received a notification from my person on my phone. Keep in mind that I MUTED their notifications and yet it somehow bypassed the system ( thanks universe!) and let that notification go through on my phone. Your manifestation packet is a blessing and I will be buying more! It showed me results within DAYS. I am so thankful I invested in the packet, it helped break the ice between me and them tremendously!


Verified Customer


The Original scripting bundle

Includes: Dream House Scripting Packet, Dream Lottery Win Scripting Packet, Dream Income Increase Scripting Packet, Practicing Gratitude Scripting Packet, Dream Person Scripting Packet, Manifest a Call or Text Scripting Packet, Self Love Scripting Packet, Getting an Ex Back Scripting Packet, Dream Appearance Scripting Packet, & Finding Limiting Beliefs Scripting Packet


Includes: Dream Lifestyle Scripting Packet, Dream House Scripting Packet, Dream Lottery Win Scripting Packet, Dream Income Increase Scripting Packet, Practicing Gratitude Scripting Packet, Dream Person Scripting Packet, Dream Car Scripting Packet, Manifest a Call or Text Scripting Packet, Dream Reconciliation Scripting Packet, Self Love Scripting Packet, Dream Success In My Business Scripting Packet, Getting an Ex Back Scripting Packet, Dream Appearance Scripting Packet, Finding Limiting Beliefs Scripting Packet, Dream Vacation Scripting Packet, Dream Date Night Scripting Packet


Includes: Millionaire Mindset Guided Scripting Packet, Making New Friends Guided Scripting Packet, "I Want This to Happen to Me" Guided Scripting Packet, Best Week Ever Guided Scripting Packet, & Dream Job Guided Scripting Packet


If You Would Like to See More Manifestation Tools & Bundles Available, Click the Button Below. Guided Meditation Audio, Abundance Checks, How to Manifest eBooks, and More Are Available in the Store.

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No, all of your items will be emailed to you within minutes after checkout. You will receive a download link to each file. As of 7/6/2024, all links will be available for 72 hours. Please save them on your favorite device. 

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How Long Do I Have to Download My Items?

As of 7/6/2024, it is recommended that you download your items within 72 hours. If you find yourself in a predicament where you did not download in the specific time period, please email us at [email protected] and we will help you get what you need manually. Please provide your order number so we can assist you faster :). 

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Thanks for noticing! If you purchased an item prior to July 2024, please utilize the contact page and we will manually send you your order again. We have switched systems but we can attach your files to your email thread so you can have them forever. 

I Think I Messed Up When Entering My Email Address. Can I Get Some Assistance?

Of course you can. Use the contact page and tell us as much about your order as you can. 

What Is the Refund Policy?

There is a no refund policy on digital download items since it is available instantly and you can't send it back. However, if you have purchased something twice or made a double payment by accident, please let us know and we will get that refund to you ASAP.

How Are Payments Processed?

We use third party payment processors (Square and Paypal) to process your payment. We prefer not to touch individual's personal information. Rest assured, your payment is encrypted and safe. 

Can You Guarantee That I Will Manifest with Your Tools?

Results do vary. Everyone is different and manifests on their own time. Our tools are here to help you like they have many others. However, guaranteeing results isn't ideal. 

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You sure can. It doesn't matter what time or place that you are in. You can gain access to them at anytime. 

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Please email [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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