vision board

How to Create Your 2020 Vision Board

Hey! The Love Gal here. Vision boards have been used for quite awhile to manifest with the law of attraction. It is the idea of putting together of pictures, list, and phrases that you would like to manifest into your life. A big part of manifesting with the law of attraction is visualizing. Having a visual representation of the things that you want is very helpful. You have been looking for vision board ideas for inspiration. This blog post will give you 5 dream board ideas that you can use to create the board of your dreams. There are many types of vision boards. What you would like to put on yours is totally up to you! You can even put what you would like to happen this year on yours and call it your 2020 vision board. Below, you will find what you will need and different ideas to execute your DIY vision board.

What You Need for Creating a Vision Board

In order to create a vision board, you need materials to get started. Here is a basic list of everything that you will need!


  1. A Large Paper Board – You can get one at your local school supply or arts and crafts store. Also, you will find them at a superstore like Walmart and Target. You can also cut a piece of a cardboard box and cover it with blank paper.
  2. Old or New Magazines – You can buy new magazines or use old ones. Just make sure you don’t care about the magazine that you’re using.
  3. Picture Print Outs (optional)  – Think about printing out pictures of things that you really want to manifest. There is a chance that your magazines won’t have the exact picture that you need. If you don’t have a printer or access to a computer, you can upload pictures to the Walgreens website and have them printed the same day.
  4. Markers/Writing Utensils – Feel free to collect as many colorful writing utensils as you would like. Furthermore, this is your board so you can customize it any way that you would like.
  5. Scissors & Glue – You will need these to cut out items from your magazines and glue them on your board. It doesn’t matter between liquid glue and a glue stick. It’s about preference.

Tips When Making a Vision Board


  • Print out and cut out more than you need. You may change your mind on things while assembling your vision board.
  • Don’t glue down everything until after you have decided on the placement of all of your cutouts.
  • Don’t compare your dream board to your friend’s. Making a dream board is about your dreams and aspirations. It doesn’t have to be identical or “as good” as other’s around you.
  • Your board can be a mixture of things that you want, places you would like to go, professional goals, and more.
  • There aren’t any rules to this. Let go and have fun.
  • Your dream board can be for this year or what you want to accomplish in the next 5 years.
  • As you manifest things on your board, feel free to put a sticker on it to remind yourself that you are on the right track.

Examples of Vision Boards

Here are vision board ideas that you can use to create your own. Feel free to mix and match examples and create a master piece.

A Travel Vision Board

vision board examples

I don’t believe we were put on this earth to stay in one spot. The world is huge so we can explore different countries, cultures, foods, and more to gain understanding of surroundings that are different from us. Make a list of places that you would like to visit in your lifetime. After you complete this, find pictures of the places to put on your board. With the law of attraction, no dream is too big and no place is too far. Even if you do not know how you will get there, still place it on your travel vision board.

Materialistic Dream Board

house vision board example

In today’s world, it is allegedly looked down upon to crave materialistic things like big houses, nice cars, jewelry, fancy clothes, and such. But let’s face it, we all want a nice place to call home. We all want things that make us happy. If you would like to manifest certain things, put it on your board. You are the only one walking in your shoes so you should go after what you want.

Career Vision Board

vision board idea

You have dreams and aspirations that you would like to accomplish. That’s great! Go for it! Your dreams may consist of graduating from school, working in your field of choice, opening a business, etc. Incorporate things from your dream career and put it on your vision board. Just keep in mind that you need to take action to get things done! The world is yours if you stay positive and continue to work towards your goals.

Love Dream Board

how to manifest love

Did you know that you can manifest the love of your life? It happens all of the time. Write down their physical attributes, personality traits, their background, their family ties, their financial status, etc. Be very specific on your dream partner because they will manifest into your life. Also, be sure you are ready to receive the type of person you are asking for. For example, make sure you are in a position to take care of yourself if you want someone financially stable. I would advise you to include characteristics like mentally and emotionally stable.

Appearance Vision Board

weight loss dream board

Your vision board is really yours. You can make one for what you want your physical appearance to look like. You can include your dream body type, new style, hairstyle, and more. Your appearance dream board can be your daily reminder to keep your eye on the prize. You can Photoshop photos with your face on the body type that you want. You can take it a step further and write down your dream weight and more.

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