How I Manifest the Things That I Want In 1 Day with the Law of Attraction

"Manifesting should be a fun activity. i want to teach you how to manifest anything in a shorter period of time" - The Love Gal

how to manifest with the law of attraction


My Name is Amber aka The Love Gal

I have helped countless people tap into their own power to manifest anything that they desire. Manifestation is supposed to be fun, but many people don't know where to start or how to use it properly.

Four years ago, I put out a video that talked about my manifestation routine. I had no idea that it would change my life. My Video "How I Manifest Literally Anything Using the Law of Attraction" has over 200,000 views. Since then, I have put out many other law of attraction videos to help others manifest different things.

what is manifestation?

Manifestation is the idea that you can bring your desires, goals, and dreams into reality by focusing your thoughts, emotions, and energy on them. The basic concept is that your thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape your reality. When you consistently think about what you want, whether it’s a new job, better health, or a fulfilling relationship, you can align yourself with those things and make them more likely to happen.

Here’s a simple way to think about it:

Think about what you want – Manifestation starts with having a clear idea of what you desire. This could be anything from wanting to win 1 million dollars playing a game, going on a beach front vacation, or meeting the love of your life. You want what you want for a reason. Choose what you want to have and stick to it. Make sure you are certain so doubt doesn't settle in.

Visualize your desire – Close your eyes and imagine having what you want. Picture the details, how it feels, and how your life will change. This helps to create a positive energy around it. Make sure to visualize from the standpoint of already having it in first person. For example, if you want to manifest an extra $500, then visualize holding and counting the money in your hand. 

Believe it’s possible – Believe that what you want is already on its way to you. It’s important to have faith in yourself and the process. Carry the concept of, "the past doesn't matter." Many of us hold onto the old story and it is hindering us from getting to the new story. Create a new story about what you want and stick to it. 

Take inspired action – Manifestation isn’t just about thinking and waiting. It’s about taking small actions that align with your goals. The universe will give you opportunities, but you have to be open to receiving them. You will know what actions to take based on how you feel. If you feel anxious while taking an action, then there's a chance you are doing it out of desperation. If you suddenly get an idea out of nowhere, then there's a good chance that you should take action based on that idea. 

In essence, manifestation is about creating the right mindset and energy to attract what you want into your life. Some people use tools like affirmations (positive statements) or the Law of Attraction (the belief that like attracts like) to help with this process.

Unlocking the power of manifestation

Manifestation is more than just a buzzword—it’s a powerful tool that allows you to bring your deepest desires and dreams into reality. By harnessing the principles of the Law of Attraction, you can align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the life you want to create. Whether you’re a complete beginner or someone looking to deepen your practice, understanding how to manifest your dreams can set you on a path toward abundance, love, and success.

Manifestation is the process of turning your thoughts into reality. By focusing on your goals and using specific techniques, you can bring positive experiences, people, and opportunities into your life. The Law of Attraction plays a central role in manifestation—it’s based on the belief that like attracts like, meaning the energy you put out into the world is what you attract back. If you focus on positivity, abundance, and success, those things will begin to show up in your life.

It begins with understanding the Law of Attraction. To manifest your dreams effectively, start by focusing on what you want—not what you don’t want. When you set clear intentions and put positive energy into them, you align yourself with your desires. This shift in mindset is a key first step. From there, visualization, affirmations, and inspired action are your tools to manifesting your dream life.

Effective Manifestation Techniques
for Beginners

For those just starting on their manifestation journey, simplicity is key. Here are some effective techniques for beginners to help you get started:

Affirmations: Use positive statements that affirm your goals and desires. For example, “I am worthy of love and happiness,” or “I am attracting abundance into my life.” The key to getting affirmations to work is using them repeatedly. Take time out of each day to use your affirmations over and over again. 

Visualization: Picture yourself already having what you desire. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your goals. How would you feel if you already have it? Put yourself in the shoes of someone who already has what you want. This helps to create a strong mental image of your dreams coming true. 

Expressing gratitude for what you already have opens the door to more blessings. Be thankful for the present moment and what’s already on its way. Being grateful for certain things can attract more of that thing into your life. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Manifesting Your Desires

Manifesting your desires requires clarity, focus, and patience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you along the way:

Clarify your desires: Know exactly what you want to manifest. Be specific and clear. If you want a specific amount of money, be clear on the amount and why you want THAT amount of money. When you are sure about your desires, it is easier to focus on attracting it. You won't be confusing your mind and going back and forth. 

Believe in your worthiness: Believe you deserve everything you desire. There's a difference between wanting something and knowing that you're worthy of having it. If you are struggling with knowing you deserve, try listing as many reasons why you do deserve it as possible. This will help build your confidence. 

Visualize: Regularly visualize your goals and feel the emotions associated with them. Feed your mind mental images that what you want has already been received. Do this as much as possible. Repetition tells the mind that this is a normal occurrence. 

Affirm: Use daily affirmations to reinforce your belief in the manifestation process. Even if it feels like it's not working, keep going. Keep going until you have received what you want. 

Take action: Be open to taking inspired action when opportunities arise. If you think the Universe is sending you a sign on what you should do next, explore the outcome of said action. 

Detach: Don't forget to enjoy your life. Just because you aren't seeing results immediately, doesn't mean chess pieces aren't being moved in your favor. 

Hey Bestie,

Do you ever feel like your desires are just out of reach? Maybe you dream of financial freedom, love, success, or personal growth—but despite your best efforts, it feels like the universe isn’t quite aligned with you. What if I told you that everything you’ve ever wanted is within your grasp, and there’s a simple, proven way to unlock your dreams?

The secret? Manifestation. And I’m here to help you harness it's power.

With the right manifestation tools, you can transform your life. Imagine waking up every day confident that your desires are coming to you—whether it’s the job you’ve always dreamed of, the financial abundance you deserve, or the love and relationships that fill your heart. It’s all possible, and it starts with understanding how to align your thoughts, energy, and actions.

I’ve created a powerful set of Manifestation Tools designed to help you take charge of your future and attract everything you desire. These tools will help you tap into the Law of Attraction, unlock your inner power, and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Here’s how my Manifestation Tools can help you:

Law of Attraction Worksheets: The Law of Attraction is a proven method that works—when you know how to use it. With these worksheets, you’ll have a step-by-step guide to clarifying your goals, setting powerful intentions, and visualizing your success. They’ll keep you focused, motivated, and aligned with your desires, helping you effortlessly attract what you want. There are approximately 21 subjects to choose from. Each packet has at least 14 pages. 

Guided Meditation Audio: Sometimes, we all need a little guidance to quiet our minds and open ourselves to abundance. Our Guided Meditation Audio is a powerful tool to help you clear away negativity and tap into your full potential. Each meditation is designed to guide you into a deep state of relaxation, allowing you to access your subconscious mind and reprogram it for success. As you listen, you’ll feel more at ease and connected with your desires, drawing them into your life with ease.

How to Manifest eBooks: Our Manifestation eBooks provide you with a complete roadmap to achieving your dreams. Whether you want to manifest money, love, career success, or personal growth, these eBooks are packed with actionable tips, exercises, and real-life success stories to inspire and guide you. You’ll learn how to use the Law of Attraction, shift your mindset, and take inspired action toward manifesting the life you want.

Manifestation MomentumOur affirmation and visualization scenario PDF provides beginners with ideas on what to affirm and visualize. If you want to take the complicated process out of manifesting, then this PDF offers a strong starting point. There are  11 different subjects featured in this PDF. 

Why These Tools Have Worked for Beginners

Clear Your Blocks: The worksheets and meditation audios will help you eliminate limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
Align Your Energy: These tools teach you how to match your energy with your desires, making it easier for the universe to deliver them to you.
Create Consistency: With the eBooks, you’ll learn how to build manifestation practices into your daily life, ensuring you stay on track and continue manifesting success.
Step-by-Step Guidance: No more guesswork! These tools provide you with clear, easy-to-follow steps to help you manifest quickly and effectively.

Have Done for Others...

the law of attraction
law of assumption

3 techniques to manifest your desires

Robotic Affirmations

Robotic Affirmations is the act of choosing an affirmation or series of affirmations and repeating them nonstop until your desire manifests. 

For example: A  robotic affirmation session would include saying or thinking, "I am so happy and excited to have $30,000 in my bank account right now" for 5 hours straight. 

Some robotic affirmation sessions have taken a few hours, while some have taken days. It depends on the person and the circumstances.

Check out our recommended PDF that includes 275 curated affirmations and 33 visualization scenarios. 


Scripting is the act of writing down what you want to manifest. There are many different ways to script to attract your desires. The purpose of scripting is to set your intentions and make what you want clear to the Universe. 

Some popular scripting methods include the 3-6-9 method, the 555 method, the list method, and the letter method.

Many of my subscribers love to use my manifestation worksheets to make things fun and easy. You can check them out by clicking the button.


Visualizing is the act of imagining your manifestations as if they are already in your reality. Many of us get lost in our thoughts and imagine fake scenarios in our head on a regular basis. 

When visualizing. Your intention is to tell your subconscious, "what I see in my head is real so bring it to me." 

For example, if you want to receive a text message from your crush, then you would imagine their name and message come across your phone screen. 

If you want to learn more about this, click the button below.

Manifesting Should Be Fun and Easy

For years, I have been sharing my manifestation tips and techniques with the world. With millions of views and over 79,000 subscribers worldwide, I decided to take the guesswork out of the manifesting equation. On this website, you will find my easy to use guide, guided scripting worksheets, guided meditation audio, and powerful affirmations that I use myself. Not only do my tools work for me, they have worked for countless other people as well. You can find over a dozen of my favorite testimonials below. 

We are the co-creators of our own lives. You should be able to have the life, love, and abundance that you deserve

Manifesting is so fun and exciting for me. However, I love when you guys come back to me to tell me that I and my tools have helped you manifest something that you really wanted. It feels great! I hope that you are my next testimonial.

how to manifest with the law of attraction

Amber aka The Love Gal /

What Is Manifestation Momentum?

Using Affirmations and visualizing are like the Shaq & Kobe of manifestation. When you use these two together and persist in the end result of what you want. My visualizing scenarios are new stories that you will imagine in your mind repeatedly. When it comes to manifesting, you have to convince your subconscious mind that something is real.

These scenarios can be used as a guideline of imagining having what you want as if it has already happened. Feel free to make them even more personal to you and your story. If you want to add an element that makes it even more believable for you, then be my guest!

Affirmations are sentences that put your intention out there and reprogram your subconscious mind to believe what is true. Affirmations help you persist through your reality. I have written over 275 affirmations. There are 11 subjects. Each subject gets 25 affirmations or more.

Each subject also gets 3 visualizing scenarios to follow or make your own.

I previously offered 4 visualizing scenarios and 25 affirmations for custom orders. It used to take around 8 business days to receive your order. Now, you will be emailed 33 visualizing scenarios and 275+ affirmations to your email within minutes.

Newbie Blueprint to Manifesting (eBook)

Your 3 Levels of Consciousness & How They Effect Your Manifestation
Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
What You Need to Know About Manifesting Money
Steps to Manifesting a Phone Call or Message
Guide to Scripting & Scripting Techniques
The One Thing That You Do Everyday That Is Controlling Your Vibrations
Explaining Divine Timing
Two Things You Should Stop Doing to Lower Your Vibrations
Dealing with Negative People and Environments
Keys to Manifesting the Relationship That's For You
How I Manifested a New Appearance Step by Step
How to Move With Expectation to Manifest
Reasons Why You Won't Manifest
Things to Include In Your Daily Routine
Helpful beginner Techniques on how to meditate
Morning Gratitude Affirmations
Your Night Time Routine That Will Change Everything
& More...

Guided Scripting Worksheets

Scripting is the act of writing down your goals, desires, and dream circumstances on paper and letting the universe bring what you want to you. 

You are manifesting around the clock whether you realize it or not. Today's thoughts, feelings, and ideas will project into your reality in the future. It is important to tell the universe exactly what you want and how you want it. 

We have curated over 16 different law of attraction printable packets. Each packet has at least 14 pages. Each packet helps you get lost in your imagination and focus on what you do want instead of what you don't want by answering fun questions and reacting to scenarios. 

You do not have to finish a packet in one day. Manifesting should be fun so don't feel the need to rush through your scripting process. 

We also include instructions that you can follow to boost your results. 

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Of course not! Paypal does process payments without an account. However, you may press the black checkout button to get your card securely processed by Square. 

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As of 7/6/2024, it is recommended that you download your items within 72 hours. If you find yourself in a predicament where you did not download in the specific time period, please email us at [email protected] and we will help you get what you need manually. Please provide your order number so we can assist you faster :). 

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We use third party payment processors (Square and Paypal) to process your payment. We prefer not to touch individual's personal information. Rest assured, your payment is encrypted and safe. 

Can You Guarantee That I Will Manifest with Your Tools?

Results do vary. Everyone is different and manifests on their own time. Our tools are here to help you like they have many others. However, guaranteeing results isn't ideal. 

It's 3 AM, Can I Order Your Tools and Receive Them Instantly?

You sure can. It doesn't matter what time or place that you are in. You can gain access to them at anytime. 

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Please email [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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By purchasing and using the materials provided by, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

No Guaranteed Results: While our materials are designed to assist in the manifestation process and to help you align with the principles of the Law of Attraction, we do not guarantee any specific outcomes or results. Your success will depend on your individual efforts, mindset, and commitment. Results may vary, and there are no assurances of any particular outcome.

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