Hey you,

At one point, you have realized that certain things that have happened to you is not a coincidence. You may have wanted something badly and then it appeared. You may have wanted to hear from someone and then you received a text message from that exact person. Or maybe, you need an exact amount of money and then it came to you right before you needed it.

To answer your question, yes, you are the co-creator of your own life. What you seek, seeks you as well. You just have to know how to use the law of attraction to your advantage. The purpose of this website is to help people like you manifest anything that you want. It doesn't matter how big, or how small it is. If you want to learn how to manifest with the law of attraction, then you should stay awhile.

It doesn't matter if you want to manifest money, love, a better lifestyle, a specific person, etc., you can use the same techniques to attract it all.

how to manifest with the law of attraction

Amber aka The Love Gal

What Is The Law of Attraction & How to use It

It may sound super cliché, but you can literally attract whatever it is into your life. Learning how to manifest has its challenges if you don’t know the proper routine. That was the purpose of putting together this article – to teach you how to manifest the right way.

This isn’t lucky magic that you see on TV. It is the act of you creating the exact life that you want using your thoughts and emotions. Anything that you would like can and will sit in the palm of your hand. How do I know? I know manifestation works because I constantly speak things into existence and it appears right in front of me. Now, I won’t lie and tell you that I have always realized my “power” because I haven’t. I initially assumed the things that I thought about was a pure coincidence when it appeared right in front of me. I had to start paying attention. If a person who lacks focus (myself) can manifest nearly anything then I know an intuitive person like yourself can too.

You may be wondering, what is the law of attraction . The law of attraction is the act of attracting similar energies together. You may have heard of the saying that “like attracts like.” You attract different things and situations to you based on your emotions and the energy you give to the world. Everything is made up of energy. In case you were wondering, nothing happens by accident. When you have an extremely good day, it is because you gave the universe extremely good energy. When you have an awful day, you have the universe horrible energy. The energy you put out is what you will receive back to you in different forms. You will master manifestation when you learn to control your thoughts. Your thoughts control your emotions and your emotions control your energy. Your energy is what controls what happens to you. In this article, you will find 7 steps that will help you leverage your energy so you will learn how to manifest the right way. I highly recommend that you stay until the end of this helpful article and watch the videos throughout to learn everything you possibly can in one spot.

This is one of my favorite subjects to talk about because of the power it holds over everyone’s lives. Once you grasp the concept of manifestation, you can get anything you desire. You can manifest money, love, cars, houses, vacations and more once you focus your attention and raise your vibration. It states that you attract into your life what you focus on. This concept can go positively or negatively. In this article, you will find the exact routine needed to attract the positive lifestyle that you’re craving.

As stated before, the law of attraction matches you with things and situations based on the energy that you give to the universe. You can tell the universe over and over what you want to manifest but if your energy isn’t aligned with your desires then you won’t receive it.

The Law of Attraction is one of many universal laws. This law is used to attract people, things, scenarios, and outcomes into people's lives. Since we are the co-creator of our own lives, we can use this law to manifest what we want. It's very rare that something is a coincidence. The secret to using the Laws of Attraction is to "act as if you already have it" and it will come to you. That seems like a vague explanation but it's true. You get what you expect to get. If you expect to get what you want then you will attract it. 

In my opinion, the best way to apply this law is to raise your vibrations and then set your intention on what you want. It will come faster. In simpler terms, think of something, or do something that makes you extremely happy. Think about that very thing until you feel a shift in your  mood. Then, tell the Universe exactly what you want and when you want it by. After you do that, you wait to receive it. 

It doesn't matter if you want to know how to manifest money, cars, love, your dream home, or a vacation, the routine stays the same. Work on your energy and good things will come to you, including what you want. 

There are many manifestation methods that you can use to attract what you want including: scripting, visualizing, saying things out loud, and more. If you visit my video gallery, you can learn how to manifest in different ways. 



It's not just about the money. It's about what you can do with the money. It's about the access to different things that you want. It's about not having to worry about the bills coming up. It's about not stressing in emergency situations. Manifesting more money into your life will provide a level of comfort that you deserve. 

In this video, I give my fun techniques on how to manifest money with the law of attraction and the law of assumption. These tips have already started working for other people. 

Does the Law of Attraction & My Methods Work?

(Let's Check Out a few success stories)

law of attraction
law of assumption
the law of attraction

My 7-Step Routine for How to Manifest Something

Clear Your Mind

You have so many thoughts that are clouding your ability to manifest properly. How will the universe hear your main desire if your mind is filled with so many other thoughts? Think of your mind as a chalkboard that has never been erased. You have the piece of chalk and you are ready to write what you want on the board. However, there’s no space. You try to squeeze your wish onto the board but you have to write it small. The universe enters the room to see what they need to get to work on but they can’t find what you wrote. You have to clear the board so the universe will see exactly what you want.

How does one clear the mind? You clear your mind through your breathing. Close your eyes and focus only on your breathing. Take a deep breath in and then release it slowly. Repeat this exercise 21 times. Focus only on your breathing and nothing else. Notice how your body fills with air and deflate. Clearing your mind takes focus but it’s possible to do with practice.

Raise Your Vibrations

Increase your vibrations to allow what you want into your life. There’s an abundance door to your life. It’s either going to be open or closed depending on your mood. If you are in a negative space, the door is closed and nothing good will get through the door. When you’re feeling good and happy, the door will open. When the door is open, you are allowing all the things you want to enter your life.

How do you raise your vibrations? Think thoughts of gratitude, joy, and peace. Or, think about moments in your life that makes you excited. Affirmations come into play when you want to move up the frequency chart. While doing your breathing exercise, incorporate positive affirmations and thoughts of gratitude into the routine. Name off everything that you are grateful for. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is. Your vibrations will start to shift when you think thoughts of abundance and gratefulness.

Be Specific About What You Want

Once you decide on what you want, don’t change your mind. If you want to manifest money, don’t keep switching on the amount that you want. You don’t want to confuse the universe. Each time you change the details, the universe has to start over on its plan to bring it to you. If you want to bring someone into your life, don’t let doubt enter into your realm. Decide what you want and lock in on that desire. Write it down and/or say it out loud.

Start expecting what you want to arrive now. Your ability to know that what you want is achievable will dictate everything. You have to believe (without a doubt) that what you want is coming without a doubt. If you knew a million dollars was on the way to your bank account, would you be excited? If you knew that you were about to be in a relationship with your soulmate, would you be excited? Of course, you would. Get excited now and it will appear faster. Don’t worry about how it will happen – just know that it will.

Visualize the Outcome

Think about your wish. Go through having it in your mind. If you want to manifest money then you should visualize it being in your bank account. If you want to manifest love then you should visualize being with that person in a positive way. If you want your dream car, then you should visualize picking it up from the dealership and driving it. Visualize already having what you want. Do this three times a week before you go to bed and when you wake up. Those times of the day are when your resistance is the lowest.

Practice Patience

Understand that what you want is coming but it will come at a time that is right for you. You may have heard of the saying, “walk by faith and not by sight.” You should not get angry or irritated because your manifestations didn’t come when you wanted it to. It will come into fruition at a time that will best serve you. Kick back and relax. Things are shifting in your favor to make sure you get what you want. Your only job is to stay happy. When you are feeling emotions other than happiness, peace, and gratitude then the process of manifesting pauses. If you are feeling down then do whatever you have to do to get your mood back to a happy place.

Detach from the Outcome

What if I told you that the moment you stop caring about what you want then what you want will come? That’s exactly how it works. You have to convince yourself that you are fine no matter what happens. In reality, you will be fine. Detaching may seem like the hardest part of the process but it a necessity! You can’t think about what you want all of the time. When you are holding onto your desire, the universe can’t make things flow in your direction because you are holding it hostage in your mental jail.

how to Talk to the Universe to Manifest Anything

Next, I will talk about how to interact with the universe to get it to guide you into your manifestation. Know that you don’t have to overcomplicate things with the law of attraction. If you need guidance, simply ask out loud.

As a professional manifester, I have noticed that when you verbally say things out loud, they come into fruition a lot faster. You can also do this same method by scripting. 

You have spirit angels around you at all times. They are there to assist you with what you need to accomplish. If you need guidance on how to manifest something then you should let them know. At the right time, you will receive the answer to your problem. It is important to clear your mind first before you attempt the manifestation process. In my opinion, it is the most important step. You need to quiet your mind so the universe can hear your true intent of what you’re asking for.

Like I said, don’t overcomplicate things. If you would like to manifest a moment, money, love, or an object then you should use the following example below:

"I would like to have ______________ (insert thing) in the next ___________ (insert date or time frame in which you would like it to come)."

Remember, you should verbally tell the universe what you would like out loud.

In conclusion, you can literally have whatever you would like because it is law. As the saying goes, “ask, believe, and receive.” Practice patience. Things will come at the right time, not when you want it to come. The timing will make perfect sense once your manifestation comes to life.

My Law of Attraction Tools

Guided Scripting Worksheet Packets

Scripting is a fun and easy way to put your intentions out there by writing them down. My guided scripting worksheet packets will ask you to describe certain events as if they have already taken place. The purpose of these worksheets is to keep you focused on what you do want, opposed to what you don't. Remember, what you focus on manifests. There are 16 different subjects to choose from including: increase your income, dream car, dream home, receiving a call or text from your specific person, dream vacation, dream lifestyle, increase your self confidence and more. Each packet is between 14-18 pages. They do not have to be completed in one sitting. 

Manifestation Momentum PDF

This is not to be confused with the "Manifestation Bundle". The Manifestation Momentum PDF is filled with over 275+ affirmations and 33 scenarios to visualize across 11 different subjects. Manifestation Momentum takes the guesswork out of your manifestation journey. If you don't know what affirmations to use or what to visualize, this will help you out tremendously. You can even tweak the affirmations and visualization scenarios to fit your life. 

How to Manifest eBook

If you want to learn about the law of attraction then you should start here. This 118 page eBook is beginner friendly. It breaks down what the law of attraction is and how to use it to your advantage. 

Guided Meditation Audio

Our guided meditation comes in two parts. Part 1 is formulated to raise your vibrations and part 2 will help you focus and guide you through visualizing what you want. 

Law of Attraction Cheat Sheets

Do you need a quick reminder on what to do to manifest your desire? Save these infographics to your camera roll so you can take a peek when you need to. 

Entire Manifestation Bundle (Excluding Manifestation Momentum)

If you would like to download the guided scripting packets, how to manifest eBook, guided meditation audio, and two of the main cheat sheets all at once then this bundle is for you. It is also discounted. If you would like to add Manifestation Momentum to this bundle for a cheaper price then click the "Download Now" button at the top and proceed to checkout. You will be asked if you would like to add Manifestation Momentum after checkout. 

Disclaimer: All of the law of attraction tools are digital and downloadable. You will not be mailed a physical product like a book or pamphlet. You will have instant access to everything after payment. You will also receive an email from "SendOwl Downloads" with your download link to access your order at a later date. Please be sure about your purchase because all sales are final (because you will have access to them immediately). These tools are to assist you in your manifestation journey. Results do vary and aren't guaranteed. Also, be sure to double check your email address before checkout, especially if you're using Apple Pay. 

law of attraction coach

Hi there

My name is Amber (the Love Gal)

I have helped countless people tap into their own power to manifest anything that they desire. Manifestation is supposed to be fun, but many people don't know where to start or how to use it properly. 

Four years ago, I put out a video that talked about my manifestation routine. I had no idea that it would change my life. My Video "How I Manifest Literally Anything Using the Law of Attraction" has over 200,000 views. Since then, I have put out many other law of attraction videos to help others manifest different things. 

My "Newbie Blueprint to Manifesting"  e-Book

A 118-page beginner guide (law of attraction book) on how to use the law of attraction to your advantage. You will learn how to use your own thoughts and emotions to attract what you want into your reality. 

how to manifest

Helpful Manifestation Articles

laws of attraction

There are multiple Universal laws that can help you manifest your deepest desires. In this blog post, I talk about which universal laws that I recommend using on your manifestation journey. 

how to detach with the law of attraction

Detaching while trying to attract the very thing on your mind can be difficult. How do you detach when your manifestation is the only thing that you can think about? In this blog post, I give you a few detachment tips that you can start using today. 

manifest a message from your specific person

Is it possible to manifest a message from your specific person that you're thinking about? Absolutely! It doesn't matter if you're not on favorable terms. I have done it multiple times using this routine. 

how to manifest money

Money is something that every human on this planet will need at some point. Wanting to know how to manifest more money isn't a bad thing. It just means that you either want more stability or you want to make a specific purchase. In this post, I talk about how to use manifestation to attraction money easily. 


A website that teaches how to manifest to attract what you want into your reality using your thoughts and emotions. 


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